Tuesday, January 31, 2012

week 19 - Jan 30

Kindergarten classes come to the lab this week.

First grade classes will continue with money practice.
Second grade classes will practice place value and subtraction with regrouping.
Ms. Buginas' and Mr. Gill's classes will edit their stories.
Third graders will practice decimals and equivalent fractions.
Fifth and sixth graders will do a worksheet on African-American history month.
Kindergarteners will practice money and time in Sheppard Math.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Week 18 - Jan 24

No kindergarten classes this week.

All upper grade classes will practice typing.
Most upper grade classes will study Lunar New Year.

Ms. Gillespie's and Ms. Cason's classes will practice money skills in Sheppard Math.
Mrs. Link's class will illustrate their winter poems.
Ms. Buginas' class will practice writing and editing using a writing prompt.
Mr. Aiken's class will work on their astronomy projects.
Ms. Shastri's class will practice calculating perimeter.
Mr. B's class will head out on the Oregon Trail.
Ms. Nichols' class will practice decimals and fractions.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Week 17 - Jan 17

Kindergarten classes come to the lab this week.

Ms. Gillespie's class will practice measurement and money.
Mrs. Link's and Ms. Nichols' classes will finish their poems and letters.
Ms. Billings' class will start multiplication with arrays.
Ms. Buginas' class will work on grammar activities.
Mr. Aiken's class will work on their astronomy projects.
Mr. B's class will start the Oregon Trail.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

week 16 - Jan 10

All upper grade students will practice typing.
Most second classes will do activities about Martin Luther King, Jr.
Ms. Buginas' class will study earth sciences.
Mrs. Link's class will start their winter poems.
Ms. Gillespie's class will finish the Let's Go Learn assessments.
Sixth graders will do a worksheet on winter.
Ms. Henry's class will finish their recipes for the class cookbook.
Mr. Aiken's and Mr. Gill's class will finish their research for their state reports.
Mr. B's class will finish their Oregon Trail prep.
Ms. Tobin's, Ms. Nichols', and Ms. Shastri's classes will finish writing projects.
Ms. Koenig's class will research Native American tribes.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Week 15 - Jan 3

Happy New Year!

Kindergarten classes come to the lab this week.

Ms. Buginas' and Mr. Aiken's classes will practice fractions.
Ms. Link's class will practice geometry with KidPix.
Ms. Billings' class will do the Let's Go Learn assessments.
Mr. Baum's class will do research for their country and state reports.
Mr. Gill's class will do research for their state posters.
Ms. Barr's class will practice math facts in FunBrain.